3D Metalforge (ASX: 3MF) has successfully completed the testing and commissioning of its latest Hybrid Wire Arc printer (H-WAAM).

Final commissioning tests successfully demonstrated exemplary mechanical properties in X96, a high-performance weld wire.
Managing Director, Matthew Waterhouse, said an ability to work with such high performance weld wires opens a wider range of more cost-effective feedstock for future part production allowing 3D Metalforge to produce larger and high strength parts in a wide range of materials at lower cost.
The H-WAAM printer is capable of printing larger format parts up to 1.5m and printing multiple parts simultaneously giving significant production flexibility to produce larger production volumes quickly or production runs with different part designs.
The printer has been in development over the past two years in collaboration with Singapore University of Technology & Design with the initial technology under exclusive licence to 3D Metalforge for service bureau use in the oil and gas and maritime sector for a period of 10 years.
The H-WAAM printer will allow further expansion of metal printing into larger size parts in the oil & gas, maritime, defence and other sectors. 3D Metalforge will update the market in due course on the progression of these opportunities.
We are extremely excited to successfully complete the testing and commissioning of this printer and are excited to see it open up large new opportunities in the maritime, oil and gas and defence sectors,” Mr Waterhouse said.
“The commissioning of 3D Metalforge’s Hybrid Wire Arc printer builds on the company’s existing portfolio of proprietary and third party printers which include power bed fusion (SLM), directed energy deposition, polymer print farm and multi-jet fusion printers.
“3D Metalforge has and will, continue working in conjunction with research institutions, universities, and government-linked companies to develop multiple potential high-value projects.
“These include the development of a blown powder directed energy deposition printer and hybrid printing technologies for directed energy deposition printing which has application in larger parts for the maritime, defence and oil and gas sectors.
“These sectors have a high volume of such larger parts that are beyond the production envelope of traditional SLM printers.”