Additive Manufacturing (AM) company 3D Metalforge (3DMF) has signed an agreement with Woodside Energy Ltd to supply Additively Manufactured parts, production technologies and digital part library development services.

The two-year agreement, with an optional 1 + 1 year extension is for the production of metallic additively manufactured components to be used in Woodside-operated facilities and will support Woodside’s operational supply chain with replacement parts available with relatively short lead times compared to traditional sources.
The agreement is a non-exclusive outline agreement and will allow the rapid production of parts upon subsequent purchase orders for Woodside to reduce operational risk and local inventory holdings with a more certain cost horizon and increased sustainability.
“This agreement underscores 3DMF’s commitment to expanding within the Australasian market with a major focus upon the Oil & Gas, Mining and Defence sectors,” Matthew Waterhouse, 3DMF CEO commented,
“3DMF is currently working with several global companies who face similar challenges to better manage their parts supply chain risks and are addressing that risk by leveraging the benefits of additive manufacturing technologies combined with the expertise of 3DMF as an established international provider of AM capabilities.”