5E Advanced Materials, Inc. (ASX:5EA) has entered into a research collaboration agreement with Georgetown University for the advancement of boron based materials research in permanent magnets.

Under the terms of the agreement, 5E will provide funds to and collaborate with Georgetown in exploring boron-based novel magnetic materials.
5E management said this research has the potential to create intellectual property and commercialization pathways for 5E as it pertains to the manufacturing of boron enhanced permanent magnets.
Permanent magnets are a critical component of many high growth future facing and traditional applications, such as electric vehicles, wind turbines, robots, drones, televisions, computers, and phones.
Rare earth elements are essential ingredients in today’s Neodymium-based permanent magnets, which are challenging and environmentally disruptive to mine.
This research effort will focus on exploring boron-based permanent magnet materials using earth-abundant elements. This combination has the potential to enhance the performance of such permanent magnets in the form of higher energy density and/or improved mechanical properties.
CCO and CTO, Dr Dinakar (Dino) Gnanamgari, said this research agreement aligns with 5E’s strategy to become a global leader in boron specialty and advanced materials by collaborating with Georgetown University.
Georgetown University is a world-renowned university and research centre located in the U.S. capital, Washington, DC. Georgetown’s Office of Technology Commercialisation is committed to introducing innovation into the marketplace by leveraging its state-of-the art facilities, decorated staff, and other resources in partnership with leading institutions,” Dr Gnanamgari said.
“We believe Georgetown is an excellent collaborator to further advance boron specialty and advanced materials as we pursue a leading global position.”
Georgetown University Professor and McDevitt Chair in Physics, Dr Kai Liu, said Boron is a fascinating material.
“Our research may allow us to achieve new types of strong and sustainable magnets with higher composition of boron. Such novel boron enhanced magnets may exhibit superior properties for practical applications across many industry sectors.
“We look forward to collaborating with 5E as they are committed and well positioned to become a thought leader of boron specialty and advanced materials given their expertise and U.S. based boron resource.”