Leading digital health company ResApp Health Limited (ASX:RAP) has signed a software licence agreement with Indonesian-based telehealth company Alodokter, under which Alodokter will integrate ResApp’s smartphone-based acute respiratory diagnostic test ResAppDx in their chat and telehealth services.

Alodokter expects to launch ResAppDx on its platform prior to 1 December 2021. The Alodokter platform connects more than 50,000 doctors and 1,500 hospitals and clinics with millions of Indonesian patients. It also provides a wide array of services around telemedicine such as offline doctor booking, insurance services, e-pharmacy and digital healthcare content.
ResAppDx is ResApp’s acute respiratory diagnostic test that uses machine-learning technology to analyse signatures in cough sounds to diagnose respiratory disease using a smartphone’s inbuilt microphone. It is CE Marked in Europe and TGA approved for ARTG (Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods) listing in Australia.
Alodokter CEO, Nathanael Faibis, said the launch of ResAppDx on Alodokter’s platform is dependent on ResApp obtaining Indonesian regulatory approval as a medical device which ResApp expects to obtain this quarter.
“Our secret sauce has always been our deep focus on medical excellence. ResAppDx will help us to achieve medical excellence and support Alodokter to provide reliable and trustworthy medical services for all Indonesians,” Mr Faibis said.
“ResApp’s technology will allow us to serve more patients in a remote, telehealth setting and effectively diagnose and treat their respiratory disease.
“We are very impressed with the simplicity, ease of use and accuracy of ResAppDx.”
ResApp CEO and Managing Director, Dr Tony Keating, said partnering with Alodokter will make ResAppDx available for use by many doctors in Indonesia and in doing so support their objective of medical excellence.
“We believe our ResAppDx technology will provide significant benefit for Alodokter, their clinicians and patients and improve the management of respiratory disease in Indonesia. This partnership will create value for ResApp, Alodokter and our collective shareholders and stakeholders.”
Agreement details
Alodokter and ResApp Health have entered into a Licence Agreement where ResApp licenses the ResAppDx software development kit (SDK) to Alodokter for their use in Indonesia. The Agreement is for an initial term of two years.
The licence will be exclusive in Indonesia for the first twelve months of the Agreement, and non-exclusive after that period. Either party may terminate the Agreement by giving 30 days notice.
The Agreement specifies pricing on a monthly subscription basis with tiered pricing based on number of tests performed per month. At this point in time, ResApp does not anticipate this agreement to have a material impact on its operating results.
About ResApp Health Limited
ResApp Health Limited (ASX: RAP) is a leading digital health company developing smartphone applications for the diagnosis and management of the respiratory disease. ResApp’s machine learning algorithms use sound to diagnose and measure the severity of respiratory conditions without the need for additional accessories or hardware. ResApp’s regulatory-approved and clinically validated products include ResAppDx, a smartphone-based acute respiratory disease diagnostic test for use in telehealth, emergency department and primary care settings; and SleepCheck, a smartphone application which allows consumers to self-assess their risk of sleep apnoea. Both products are CE Marked in Europe and TGA approved in Australia.
For more information, please visit www.resapphealth.com.au.