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Complii FinTech Solutions Limited (ASX:CF1) will be implementing a new Customer Relationship Management (‘CRM’) system for the Australian Investment Exchange (‘AUSIEX’), an NRI company designed to communicate with NRI’s I-STARGV back-office system.

This CRM system will connect to a new Adviser desktop application which will feature Complii’s existing compliance and capital raising tools, plus enhanced CRM and reporting tools for AUSIEX’s current and new Adviser clients.

AUSIEX have committed to subscribe to the services for a minimum period of 3 years with a total commercial value of $1.5m, consisting of development costs and licence fees.

This is a unique offering, constructed within a compliance framework and designed with and for Advisers to effectively service their customers. Compliance is at the core of this highly automated solution, thereby minimising user effort and administrative overhead.

The solution will give current and future clients (Broker Dealer and AFSL groups) a single source of truth in a compliant framework encapsulating all client profile, compliance, capital raising, platform and ASX trade related data. This will ensure that end customers remain in charge of their data and decisions concerning it.

Complii technology successfully digitises compliance, capital raising and operational functions, assisting some 137 AFSL holders and organisations, representing approximately 3,600 users to meet their regulatory obligations and organisational efficiencies in real time. The core platform and subsequent enhancements have been developed to allow Complii Licensees to have a fully customised system based on their specific requirements as well as mainstream and unique business processes.

AUSIEX, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nomura Research Institute, Ltd (‘NRI’) is one of Australia’s leading providers of trade execution, clearing, settlement and portfolio admin solutions.

In late 2020, Complii was engaged by AUSIEX to develop a number of compliance modules to enhance its core digital compliance capabilities which went live on the Complii platform as scheduled in May 2021.

We are delighted that AUSIEX have chosen to extend their relationship with Complii and expand our partnership to continue developing high quality, new generation financial technology solutions for the Australian market,” Complii’s Managing Director, Alison Sarich, said.

Complii’s Executive Chairman Craig Mason, added that this is another major step forward for the company and its growth strategy and recognition of the extent and depth of its strong Fintech solutions.

“This further asserts our position in the market as a leading fintech compliance and operational efficiency provider in Australia.”

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