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The Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) Network, a world-first cross-ecosystem programme to support Australian companies in using and creating AI ethically and safely, is being co-ordinated by CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency.

AI is expected to be worth $22.17 trillion to the global economy by 2030, but poorly developed AI solutions can have serious consequences, from data and privacy breaches to ethical issues.

The network will be the gateway for Australia’s industries to uplift its practice of responsible AI. Bringing together a national community of practice, guided by world leading expert partners, and enabling Australian businesses with best practice guidance, tools and learning modules, the network is centred around six core pillars: Law, Standards, Principles, Governance, Leadership and Technology.

Established by the National AI Centre, initial Knowledge Partners of the Responsible AI Network include the Australian Industry Group, Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA), CEDA, CSIRO’s Data61, Standards Australia, The Ethics Centre, The Gradient Institute, The Human Technology Institute, and the Tech Council of Australia.

National AI Centre Director Stela Solar said the Responsible AI Network would help Australian businesses make the most of the trillion-dollar opportunity presented by AI technologies.

No country in the world has yet worked out responsible AI, but Australia is taking a big step forward by collaborating across the ecosystem to share best practice and respond to an evolving regulatory landscape,” Ms Solar said.

“We have a sliding doors moment here to build a competitive advantage in responsible AI, and to take it to the world by equipping Australian businesses with the toolkit to build and deploy safe and ethical AI solutions,” she said.

The announcement comes at a time when the world is racing to build guardrails for AI development and deployment to ensure responsible AI practices are developed in parallel with a rapidly accelerating AI landscape.

“We know from speaking to hundreds of organisations that data quality, privacy and security are among the top challenges that organisations face in adopting AI, and many have difficulty navigating international standards and procedures when producing or implementing AI systems,” Ms Solar said.

“Australian businesses have told us that understanding ethics and governance in implementing AI is lacking across organisations globally.

“The Responsible AI Network provides a unique offering: practical guidance and coaching from experts on law, standards, principles, governance, leadership and technology to ensure explainability, fairness and accountability are built into Australian AI systems.

“As first movers on AI ethics principles and with our world leading research capability in responsible AI, Australia has a natural advantage.

“AI will only be as good as we lead it, and through the Responsible AI Network we will empower industry leaders with the expert guidance and content to navigate their organisations through the evolving AI landscape.” she said.

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