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Australian businesses are struggling to execute digital transformation strategies to drive high performing workforces, according to Marcus Dervin, business tech expert and author of a new book on enterprise digital transformation.

With a growing millennial workforce, pressure is building on companies to pay heightened attention to the human experience surrounding digital technology to increase engagement and create a connected business culture.


Marcus Dervin

Marcus believes many organisations are failing to implement an effective digital strategy and don’t know how to boost high-level, digital engagement. This is leading to declining talent retention and poor productivity.

“Unfortunately, too many businesses are viewing technology through a tunnel vision lens and are relying on over-worked IT departments to leverage value from these technologies, which is a very cumbersome and inefficient approach,” he said.

“This can negatively impact employee engagement levels as well as talent retention. A seamless Digital Workplace is essential for employees, and the investment is urgent if organisations want a competitive edge.”

Marcus collaborates with companies to eliminate poor digital platform practices. As the author of newly released book ‘Digital Transformation from the inside out. Work smarter, increase productivity and create a vibrant culture’ Marcus has taken the opportunity to share his 22 plus years of experience working with leading technology companies across the globe, such as Apple, in the insider’s tips handbook-style release.

Marcus says the key is in the right approach and has created a unique framework – known as the ‘The 6 I’s of Digital Transformation’. Through adopting this framework organisations can develop into productive, engaging, healthy workplaces where people can get so much more done. This is good for business, and also for people themselves.

Marcus is the owner of successful boutique Microsoft technology consultancy WebVine, founded in 2010. Marcus has led WebVine to deliver numerous successful initiatives for companies like the Commonwealth Bank, EY, Santos and Macquarie Bank.

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