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Colin Hay

Using the latest agile software development methods and technologies, as well as leveraging the highly advanced and adaptable Amazon Web Services, Automic has built an innovative, scalable and resilient share registry platform that ticks all the boxes with respect to data security and business continuity.

Automic is changing the way companies think about share registry “We continue to invest significantly in software development to deliver the most capable, user friendly registry platform in Australia” said Automic’s Managing Director, Paul Williams.

“Automic is absolutely committed to delivering superior value to its clients.

The existing registry players in the market are operating on legacy systems that are costly to maintain and lack adaptability to meet ever growing client demands and expectations, this presents us with a huge opportunity” Mr Williams says.

“In a recently conducted client survey, our clients confirmed that our system is intuitive, easy to use and delivers up to date real-time information as and when required. This feedback, while anticipated, is reassuring and gives us the confidence that we are on the right path.

Because of our hard work, Automic is now the fastest growing share registry provider by client number.”

“With our focus on quality, Automic is ISO 9001:2015 accredited and our continued investment into our registry portal means Automic will remain as a technology leader in this industry.”

“We’re not afraid to do things differently and we’re driven by a desire to deliver real value.

We don’t lock clients into long-term contracts, we believe that if we provide great service then clients won’t want to leave. We also don’t burn bridges by charging unjustified exit fees should a client wish to leave. In our minds, this is old school thinking and our recent growth proves that if you offer a great platform combined with good service and price it right, then clients will come.

Treating others how we would like to be treated is our guiding principle,” said Williams.

Mr Williams said that while the number of ASX200 companies running competitive tenders for share registry and share plan administration services has increased over the past two years, an estimated 60% of companies still have no process for review. “I have no doubt that the registry service provider contract is not the only contract that is not being regularly reviewed – surely this is a low hanging fruit opportunity for any company?”

“Until recently, the value in forming a strategic partnership with your registry provider
was given little thought.

“Shareholders are now more than ever before using the online services provided by share registries. In 2016, over half of the shareholder voting was completed online and this trend
continues to grow. ASX listed companies are recognising that in terms of brand equity and
reputation, who your registry partner is, now reflects directly on your brand and the type of company you are.”

“In partnership with Automic, our role is to complement and support its clients and their shareholder’s requirements,” Mr Williams concluded.

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