Leading receivables management provider Credit Clear Limited (ASX: CCR) has deployed its digital platform for the first time in an international market.

The platform is now operational in South Africa following the partnering and teaming agreement signed with Techub in November 2021.
In terms of the agreement, Techub is leveraging CCR’s technology platform to digitise its offering commencing with the migration of its existing multi-billion-dollar client portfolio for which CCR receives ongoing commissions.
CCR has a separate agreement (Teaming agreement) that covers the onboarding of new direct Techub clients that utilise the digital platform under which revenues are split equally.
The deployment of the South African platform occurred five months from signing the agreement and the platform’s highly automated service offering demonstrates the company’s ability to rapidly scale the digital business into new global markets.
CCR says that since deployment earlier this week, Techub has elected to fast track the platform’s rollout to its US$1 billion debt portfolio, dispensing with the planned three month $100m pilot.
Techub’s expanded global opportunity Techub has also announced that iSON Xperiences, Africa’s largest BPO service provider, has taken a strategic shareholding in its holding company CSS Group.
The iSON investment opens significant new markets across 18 countries including multiple African nations, India and the United Arab Emirates.
iSON Xperiences is a subsidiary of the iSON Group and is a global leader in Customer Experience Management and Business Process Outsourcing.
With a presence in 18 countries across Africa, Middle East and ASEAN, through 36 delivery centres worldwide, it has been managing customer interactions for some of the world’s most renowned brands and redefining the way people connect with enterprises.
With its head office in Dubai and regional offices in Johannesburg, Nairobi, Cairo, Lagos and New Delhi, iSON Xperiences employs over 18,000 people who conduct over 50 million transactions per month for over 500 million end customers globally.
In addition to our growth in Australia, CCR is now able to simultaneously and very efficiently scale internationally with its highly automated technical capabilities, matched with a commission fee revenue model,” Credit Clear CEO Andrew Smith said.
“I’m delighted that the platform has been deployed in South Africa through our Techub partners and that the rollout has been accelerated.
“News from Techub about iSON Xperience’s strategic investment in its holding company, provides our Techub / CCR partnership with direct and immediate entry into new markets and sectors. I look forward to working very closely with the Techub team in South Africa, taking our joint offering to global markets.”
The cumulative total of the Techub clients migrated to the platform are expected to represent a material increase in Company revenues in the next 12 months.