Chrysos Corporation Ltd (ASX:C79) has forged a partnership with one of the world’s largest gold miners, Barrick Gold, and fast-growing international laboratory business MSALABS, to deliver its PhotonAssay technology to Barrick mine sites across four continents.

The partnership will commence with the deployment of three MSALABS contracted PhotonAssay units to the Nevada Gold Mines (NGM) complex in the United States of America (USA), with the potential deployment of up to 10 more PhotonAssay units to other Barrick projects by the end of 2025, subject to finalising due diligence.
The partnership is an extension of an already successful relationship between the three companies at Barrick’s Bulyanhulu mine in Tanzania and its Kibali operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
The single largest gold-mining complex in the world, NGM is 61.5% owned and operated by Barrick, and 38.5% owned by the world’s largest gold miner, Newmont. The assets at the complex include 10 underground mines, 12 surface mines as well as multiple related facilities.
Barrick’s global adoption of our technology is a watershed moment for us, underlining PhotonAssay’s superiority to outdated and hazardous fire assay methods,” Chrysos Managing Director and CEO Dirk Treasure said.
“Together with the team at MSALABS, we look forward to bringing the same operational and environmental benefits being delivered at Bulyanhulu and Kibali in Africa to more of Barrick’s gold mines.”
Barrick Mineral Resource Management and Evaluations Executive, Simon Bottoms, said PhotonAssay has already been delivering faster, safer, more accurate and environmentally-friendly analysis to the company’s African operations.