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Decimal and AHC sign collaboration MoU - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Tech Invest | Nov 22, 2017 11:09:52 AM

Decimal Software (ASX:DSX) has signed an MoU to collaborate on joint offerings with creative communications consultancy AHC who have operations in the UK, Australia and the US.

Decimal CEO, Nic Pollock, said the integration of the AHC calculator suite with Decimal’s Eqilize digital advice solution will allow funds to provide an end-to-end solution for their members, enabling funds to rapidly progress from calculators to omni-channel digital advice with confidence.

“Secondly, Decimal and AHC will collaborate on custom user experiences campaigning, combining AHC’s expertise in creative engagement and Decimal’s robust advice delivery engine.

“The collaboration combines the strengths of two market-leading organisations to provide seamless, engaging experiences with compliant, member-driven advice technology.

Bringing together AHC’s expertise in creating unique and engaging member experiences and Decimal’s integrated, compliant advice engine means we are positioned to jointly offer a rich solution for funds looking to attract, grow and retain their members,” Mr Pollock said.

AHC CEO Peter Nicholas said the collaboration would mean super funds had access to a ‘best-in- class’ solution.

“The AHC team is excited that now when we generate high engagement, we can extend the journey into advice,” he said.

“The underlying technology is scalable and takes customers as far as possible digitally, whilst ticking all the compliance boxes.”

Mr Pollock said AHC was a smart choice for Decimal to collaborate with.

“They have an impeccable international reputation for building engaging tools that connect customers with their super funds or pensions,” he said.

“What sets the combined teams apart from competitors is that we have both been delivering results to our clients for some years and have a tremendous appreciation of what’s required.”

The two organisations will be jointly road-showing solutions to existing and new clients before the end of the year.