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Dotz Limited has used its BioDotz security markers to successfully authenticate cannabis leaves and inflorescence in a world-first in-plant cannabis track-and-trace pilot with licensed Israeli medicinal cannabis producer Seàch Medical Group.

Dotz’s non-toxic BioDotz security markers were added to cannabis plants in the final growing stages at Seàch’s global facilities in Israel. The addition of BioDotz to the plants created unique in-plant security identifiers that cannot be forged or removed.

BioDotz markers were detectable in cannabis leaves days after being added to the plants and were identified on-site and in real time using Dotz’s InSpec reader. Dotz’s markers were also detectable in inflorescence days after being added to growing plant. The company intends to continue field-testing for multiple use-cases and scenarios.

BioDotz markers feature multiple layers of security and are designed to continue working in elevated temperatures over extended periods of time.

Dotz’s research partner Seàch Medical Group is one of Israel’s preeminent medicinal cannabis companies, producing a wide variety of cannabis strains with products encompassing buds, rolls and oils.

The pilot with Seàch follows Dotz’s successful in-house proof of concept on plants with a close biological structure to cannabis in May 2019.

Commenting on the successful results, Dotz CEO Uzi Breier said: “In collaboration with Seàch, we have demonstrated a world-first in-plant tagging solution that provides a superior authentication measurement and complements current track-and-trace technologies for the legal cannabis market. Existing solutions, such as RFID tags and barcodes, are easily removed or replaced and have been unsuccessful in fully preventing illegal cannabis from being introduced to legal markets, as well as closely tracking unique cannabis species.

“The global legal cannabis market is growing rapidly, and cannabis producers are under increasing pressure to comply with tighter federal and state regulations. Leading growers like Seàch Medical Group also wish to protect their unique cannabis species. Dotz’s complete end-to-end anti-counterfeiting solution provides enhanced product security throughout the cannabis supply-chain with its on-site and real time detection enabling cannabis producers to comply with these regulations and protect their species.

This testing with Seàch is an important milestone towards Dotz commencing sales and marketing activity within the legal cannabis market. We believe this sector offers significant opportunities for Dotz, particularly as we have the only in-plant end-to-end security solution available.”

Dotz has a patent application pending (#266444) with the Patent Bureau for the use of BioDotz as a direct taggant of cannabis and other high-value or restricted plants.

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