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Peter Harris

Fast-tracking tech listings.

Established by three experienced businessmen; entrepreneur Stephen Rice, technology executive Seamus Woulfe and digital strategist Richard Keeves, x10 Partners ( identify high-growth scalable technology and innovation businesses via their unique screening, diagnostic and selection processes.

Mr Rice said x10 Partners differentiated by bringing commercialisation expertise into the business to sharpen the business model and growth strategy, de-risk the business for investors, and accelerate the path to liquidity.

“x10 has a clinical commercialisation focus. We develop agile, fast-track Growth Roadmaps and actively participate working in and on the business to accelerate growth. At the right time, we prepare the business for listing and ensure it is due diligence and transaction ready.”

Leading Australian technology author and commentator, Nick Abrahams, said the number of new tech entrants to the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) over the last three years was unprecedented.

“A potential listing on the ASX should be a consideration for quality fast growth companies,” Mr Abrahams said. “x10 Partners has an innovative business model to help tech companies make the journey from private to public capital markets.”

“Ultimately, it’s about building great companies”.

According to the ASX, technology IPOs were the ASX’s number one sector in 2015 where tech companies accounted for 23% of total capital raised. Commenting about the forthcoming changes to the ASX listing rules, Mr Woulfe said: “Traction and timing are critical. We welcome many of the changes the ASX is making to ensure that only the right profile of companies list on the ASX. This is very much in the best long term interests of the sector.”

Mr Woulfe said x10 Partners had a growing portfolio of Australian and International technology companies that collectively operate in more than 60 countries worldwide.

“We have a unique pipeline of international technology companies that are aware of the ASX’s status as the world’s sixth largest exchange by capital raised, and are attracted by the ASX’s track record of funding growth companies.”

Mr Woulfe said while a lot of the interest in international tech listings had focussed on the US, China and Israel, x10 had developed a rich vein of European, Asian and Latin American companies within its pipeline.

“The businesses in our international portfolio have demonstrated traction in implementing their business plans, achieved meaningful growth milestones and are beginning to scale globally.

“With our guidance and support, they have shown themselves to be outstanding candidates for listing. Some already have the qualifying shareholder spread required for an ASX listing.”

Pointing to x10 partners’ growth matrix (below), Mr Keeves said x10 worked with businesses that are scalable and ready for accelerated commercialisation.


“x10 prepares suitable companies for private equity investment and subsequent listing by bringing a taskforce of resources to work actively in and on the business. As part of the long-term journey, we implement fast track expert roadmaps that close the gaps and overcome the hurdles the business may encounter.

“We resource and guide the implementation of the plan and focus on the best pathways to reach scale and achieve global potential. Ultimately, it’s about building great companies.

“We align the business plan and business milestones with market valuation points, identify the best path to market and manage the IPO or RTO listing process.”

Mr Rice said: “Investors in our network enjoy multiple opportunities for investment uplift. This includes the Fast Track funding round, additional growth funding and the pre-IPO and IPO investment rounds.”

x10 Partners is developing its portfolio of investment-ready projects and is currently at advanced stages in executing IPO, RTO and trade sale transactions on behalf of client companies.

Mr Rice said with their portfolio expanding, x10 was looking to develop strong long-term relationships with investment partners who wished to participate in a rolling pipeline of high quality, high growth opportunities.

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