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DroneShield Ltd(ASX:DRO) has received an order for a DroneSentrysystem for the army of an un-named major South East Asian country, allied with the West.

This is the first order for this country, and includes a complete DroneSentrysolution, consisting of RfOne MKIIRF Direction Finding sensors, RadarZerorevolutionary metamaterials radars, DroneCannonelectronic warfare modules, and DroneOpt electro-optics systems with the proprietary DroneOptIDAI / machine learning engine for target and payload visual recognition, ID and tracking.

CEO Oleg Vornik said the sensor feeds are fused together using Drone Shield CompleteCommand-and-Control (C2) engine, enabling an intuitive user interface and a rich reporting functionality of drone threats. As a full capability initial order, it is expected to lead to additional multi-million dollar sales following its deployment.

The order is expected to be delivered in 4Q20, with full payment due before shipment. The order was awarded on a sole source basis. The dollar amount of this sale is considered material, being in the range of approximately $1 million.

Combined with the recent sales to multiple European Government users, and an announcement of a contract with the US Department of Defence, there is now a clear momentum in customer adoption of our products,” Mr Vornik said.

‘Our world-leading product offering meets the requirements of some of the most demanding military and Government users globally. Combined with our on-the-ground representation in over 100 countries globally, we are now starting to see our extensive pipeline converting into end user orders.”

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