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Elsight ready to take Halo v1.1 to the global market - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Staff Writers | Nov 26, 2019 9:59:08 AM

Communications and live data transmission solutions provider Elsight (ASX: ELS) is confident its flagship product Halo, version 1.1, is ready for commercial deployment following extensive testing.

Nir Gabay, Elsight’s CEO said the Halo communication platform is equipped with the world’s most compact, next-generation bonding technology, enabling always-on connectivity.

He said that Halo v1.1 has substantially improved capabilities and performance over the previous version, which the company has been refining with key proofs-of-concept (POCs) and feedback from strategic customers.

The company has identified multiple commercial opportunities for Halo v1.1 in a number of fast growing industries such as autonomous vehicles, security, defence, and aviation, and is focused on converting a number of existing POC sales opportunities into commercial contracts.

Mr Gabay said Elsight is now in the process of delivering the first 90 units equipped with Halo v1.1 to a select group of strategic customers.

“After several months of collaboration with strategic POCs, we are very excited to announce that we are releasing our new and improved version of the Halo platform,” Mr Gabay said.

Halo 1.1 is an important milestone for the team, and is the cumulative result of ongoing feedback, testing, and product enhancements to deliver an exciting new offering that we believe will drive the commercial success of Elsight moving forward.

As part of its international growth plans, Elsight has decided to open its first US office in Atlanta, Georgia, and appointed Karin Zalcberg as Director of Sales and Marketing for Elsight North America.

Ms Zalcberg has an extensive background in intelligence and cybersecurity, and has worked closely with business leaders to provide strategic solutions for company-wide transformation, including solving organisational challenges and scaling to new markets.

Mr Gabay said the North American market is of great strategic importance to Elsight, and the company remains focused on extending its ongoing work with a number of Original Electronic Manufacturers (OEMs) in both the defence and civilian sectors.

“We have a very large and growing market opportunity we are now in a strong position to address. Our decision to open a US office and make the necessary staffing changes is key to ensuring we realise our commercial potential and identify compelling new opportunities in the market as we approach 2020,” he said.