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EMVsion commences recruitment at Royal Melbourne Hospital - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Staff Writers | Jun 30, 2023 10:21:57 AM

EMVision Medical Devices Limited (ASX:EMV) has commenced Strage 2 enrollment at its second clinical trial site, The Royal Melbourne Hospital.

The Royal Melbourne Hospital is a comprehensive stroke care centre with a world renowned tertiary academic unit that provides leading care for patients across Victoria.

In addition, enrolment at the first clinical site to go live, Liverpool Hospital, has exceeded initial recruitment rate expectations. The third site, Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, is anticipated to go live in the coming weeks.

EMVision management said the company is encouraged by the early progress with enrolment and grateful for the excellent support and commitment of its clinical collaborators.

EMVision Medical Devices is an innovative Australian medical device company developing a novel approach to looking inside the human body.

Its product pipeline includes portable, non-invasive, affordable and safe neuroimaging devices.

The company’s vision is to help transform and improve the timely diagnosis and treatment of stroke and other time sensitive medical emergencies, at the point-of-care.

What clinicians need to know

The ability to distinguish stroke type, size, severity and location, in a timely manner, is crucial to enable successful stroke treatment. Ischaemic stroke patients can benefit from clot dissolving drugs and clot retrieval. The EMVision technology opens the door for the earlier diagnosis and better bedside management of stroke patients.