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Colin Hay

Emyria Limited (ASX: EMD) has obtained promising interim clinical results from analysis of its MDMA-assisted therapy (MDMA-AT) for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) programme which commenced in October 2023.

Early findings are from an initial cohort of eight patients with moderate to severe PTSD symptoms (as measured using the PCL-5) and who were getting limited relief from standard treatment prior to enrollment.

All eight patients completed Emyria’s comprehensive programme at Emyria’s Empax Centre and demonstrated substantial improvement in patient outcomes at the end of their active treatment.

Clinically and statistically significant improvements were observed in PTSD symptoms and quality of life, as measured by PCL-5 and ReQoL assessments, respectively highlighting the program’s potential to address significant unmet needs in PTSD care. An additional five patients are currently enrolled and undergoing treatment, with the program progressing towards its recruitment goal of 70 initial patients.

Emyria’s MDMA-AT program has shown an average reduction of 33 points in PCL-5 scores—a critical measure of PTSD severity—demonstrating that patients experience significant symptom relief. Encouragingly, all participants achieved clinically meaningful improvements (a PCL-5 change > 12 points), with many reaching PCL-5 scores below 30, a key threshold indicating substantial symptom reduction. Improvements were also statistically significant.

The significant reduction in PCL-5 scores demonstrates the effectiveness of Emyria’s program in alleviating PTSD symptoms, highlighting its potential as a treatment option. The PCL-5 is a self-administered, 20-item self-report tool used to measure PTSD symptoms according to diagnostic DSM-5 criteria

“These early Real-World results from our MDMA-Assisted Therapy program highlight the significant potential of this approach for PTSD care and provide an early indication of its effectiveness in real clinical settings beyond controlled trials,” CEO, Michael Winlo, said.

“Emyria is uniquely positioned to lead the global development and refinement of this treatment as Australia is currently the only jurisdiction permitting these therapies under stringent oversight.

“We believe we have a substantial head start in gathering crucial Real-World Data and refining the approach to fully realise the potential of MDMA-AT thereby helping patients and also advancing the therapy’s ongoing improvement."

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