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ePAT launches PainChek App name and website - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Tech Invest | Oct 10, 2017 10:10:05 AM

ePAT Technologies has confirmed PainChek as the brand name for the ePAT Dementia and Children’s App.

The company has registered the trademark for the PainChek name and the PainChek fonts and app icon in Australia and international markets including UK and USA.

PainChek™ – Transforming pain management

The company also reported it now also owns the domain site

Philip Daffas, ePAT’s CEO and Managing Director, said the company will be launching the PainChek brand at the Alzheimer’s conference in Melbourne in mid-October along with its new marketing collateral – including promotional materials and the website.

“Establishing a strong global brand was a key strategic objective to support the market entry and as we continue negotiations with potential customers,” Mr Daffas said.

“In today’s global market, positive brand recognition is critical to successful commercialisation and can also create significant business value in its own right,” he said.

PainChek uses cameras in smartphones and tablets to capture a brief video of the person, which is analysed in real time using facial recognition software to detect the presence of facial micro- expressions that are indicative of the presence of pain.

This data is then combined with other indicators of pain, such as vocalisations, behaviours and movements captured to calculate a pain severity score.

According ePAT, due to its speed, ease of use and it’s reproducibility, PainChek will be able to be used to detect and measure a person’s pain, and then further measurements can be used to monitor the effectiveness of pain management.

PainChek will be rolled out globally in two phases: first, PainChek which is designed for adults who are unable to effectively verbalise their pain such as people with dementia, and second, PainChek for Children who have not yet learnt to speak.