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Expede Cloud software - set to revolutionise global enterprise - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Tech Invest | May 29, 2017 4:20:42 AM

With the increasing complexity of global business, companies must now evolve and look to technology to enhance the skills of their expert teams to deliver the complex solutions increasingly demanded by the enterprise sector, governments, clients and their industries.

The Expede enterprise software has been developed over a seven year period in support of energy projects in Australia with over $62B of developments aided with the software.

While engaged in providing professional services, the founder of Expede, Doug Friday, noted that regardless of the approach and the budgets being spent by these enterprises they all had one consistent issue: the expert teams being employed were focused on trying to identify how to get what they needed to address the immediate challenge, rather than having everything at their fingertips so they could quickly resolve it and then move on to creating greater value.

Expede CEO Doug Friday

Following several failed attempts to get commercially available software to address this issue, Mr Friday decided to develop a new solution from the ground up and from a business requirement standpoint.

As Mr Friday explains: “We would not take no for an answer. If there was no way of delivering what we needed, then we set about developing our own solution. We had to commit a lot of time and resources to research and development.

Expede has a lot of IP around how everything reliably integrates and even now we are the only ones in the world who know how to do much of this.”

Very early on in the development of the software, the team recognised that as enterprise operations were becoming more complex, data analysis would become an essential tool of the future.

“Although we did not have any immediate plans to develop analytics we realised early on that we needed to capture data of all information including historical and not only what was being done, but how it was being done. This foresight will prove to bring the greatest value to Expede.

While others are now trying to work out what and how to capture information, we’ve been doing it for seven years and with a massive array of data, have built a proven solution,” Mr Friday said.

Expede provides enterprise companies a vertically integrated solution that touches all the points of their business and unlocks their information and process through intelligent extraction, collaboration both internally and externally, refined management process which significantly drivers performance and analytics to provide valuable insight, not only into their own business but also that of their clients.

It is built on a foundation that addresses their risks such as compliance and cybercrime so they can focus on their core business.

Expede believes that the new benchmark of enterprise software will require that it be part of an integrated business technology ecosystem such as IBM or Microsoft. Microsoft has committed $1 billion a year to security alone.

“If you are not part of a secure ecosystem, you will find it harder to be embraced as an enterprise solution and the time will come when you simply cannot compete in meeting the standards of security being set.”

It is with this belief that Expede elected to leap frog other software companies and invested in re-imagining the software to operate with Microsoft Enterprise Cloud, which provides the most secure and certified global enterprise software delivery method available today.

As part of this transition to Azure, Expede obtained AD multitenancy certification from Microsoft which enables clients to access the application through their own Microsoft security system.

“We understand from Microsoft that we are one of only a handful in the world to achieve this.”

This decision has put Expede far ahead, being the only solution of its kind registered by Microsoft in its global enterprise Appsource marketplace. Expede is now expanding this partnership and its enterprise solution by integrating Microsoft Office to operate within its application & provide its customers a total end to end solution.

Expede is also moving global with initial targets in USA, UK, Singapore and Australia.

“We now look forward to bringing Expede to the global market, both through our website and through account led sales with Microsoft. Above all, we are delighted to be able to finally bring the proven benefits of the Expede application to global enterprise and to provide them the solution to grow and future proof their business.”