Firebrick Pharma Limited’s (ASX:FRE) patent covering the use of Nasodine Nasal Spray in COVID-19 has now been granted in South Africa.

The patent has previously been granted in the US and Australia (innovation patent), and acceptance in other countries is still pending.
The patent specifically protects the use of intranasal povidone-iodine as a method of reducing the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in the nose. Relevantly, the company recently announced the results of its Phase 2 trial in COVID-19 patients, which demonstrated that Nasodine achieved 100% clearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the nasal passages.
The company also recently announced the proposed use of Nasodine in some markets as a nasal antiseptic/disinfectant (refer announcement 15 November 2023).
“This patent is very relevant to that use, which includes the elimination of pathogenic viruses from the nose, such as SARS-CoV-2 and any future pandemic virus,” said Dr Peter Molloy, Executive Chairman of Firebrick.
Firebick has successfully developed a povidone-iodine nasal spray, called Nasodine Nasal Spray and filed international trademarks and multiple patents on the product, including a formulation patent and two use patents, some of which have already been granted in the US, Europe and Australia.
The company has also completed six clinical trials for Nasodine, including a Phase 1 study, three Phase 2 studies and two Phase 3 studies, which have affirmed the product’s safety and generally supported its efficacy as an antimicrobial nasal spray with utility in a range of clinical settings.