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Senetas Corporation Limited announced today that it had secured the first sale of its ultra-high-speed 100Gbps Ethernet encryptors, the CN9000 Series. The purchase was made by a government customer in Western Europe.

Senetas Ultra-High-Speed 100Gbps Ethernet Encryptor

Released in 2016, the CN9000 Series encryptors are the world’s only certified high-assurance 100Gbps encryptors that support all network topologies.

Senetas CEO, Andrew Wilson, commented, “This is a significant milestone for Senetas. Following considerable customer interest and testing during the past year, we are very pleased to have received this first order.

“This sale represents validation of our development of the ultra-high-speed encryptor and its use case for protecting the increasingly high volumes of Big Data transmitted across ultra-fast networks and their various topologies.

“Whilst this first sale has taken time, we are pleased with the pipeline of opportunities for the CN9000 Series 100Gbps encryptors that we are progressing with our distribution partner, Gemalto. These encryptors show promise to become a strong contributor to our hardware encryption business. As governments and large enterprises upgrade their Ethernet networks to higher bandwidths, the CN9000 provides the encryption security required to protect that data. We expect further orders for CN9000 encryptors in the 2018 financial year.

“In addition to the CN9000 Series and all our CN Series crypto-agile hardware encryptors, our forthcoming virtualised encryption solutions and SureDrop encrypted file sharing products increase the addressable markets for our product portfolio and provide a foundation for future growth.”

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