Frontier Energy Limited (ASX: FHE) has placed an order with ENGV to deliver a hydrogen refuelling station in Perth, Western Australia.

This refuelling station is due to be completed by 2023, making it one of the first of its kind in the State.
Managing Director Mike Young said this strategy aligns with the company’s long-term ambition to become vertically integrated across the green hydrogen industry.
He said the company remains on track to commence construction of the Bristol Springs Solar Project (the BSS Project) by 2023 and is currently conducting a renewable energy expansion study as well as a hydrogen study due to be completed mid-year,
- Frontier has placed an order for a hydrogen refuelling station. This will be one of the first hydrogen refuelling stations to be built and operating in Western Australia o Finalisation of the location for this station is imminent with multiple, high-profile, central sites in Perth being considered
- The order was placed with ENGV who, working together with IVYS Inc. and PDC Machines Inc., recently built the first retail hydrogen refuelling station in Australia
- The company is currently considering additional locations across Western Australia, with a strategy to roll out a hydrogen highway across the State
- The Western Australian Government’s focus on renewable hydrogen in WA will see hydrogen play an important role in diesel replacement helping to reduce reliance on imports. WA currently imports 6.7billion litres of diesel per annum.
- The development of hydrogen refuelling stations aligns with the company’s long-term ambition to become vertically integrated across the green hydrogen sector, from clean energy producer through to hydrogen sales and exportation
- The company remains on track to commence construction of the Bristol Springs Solar Project by early 2023.
Developing Stage One of our Bristol Springs Solar Project (114Mwdc) remains the major focus in the short-term, as the development of the Project demonstrates our commitment to not only talk about building clean energy projects, but demonstrates our ability to do so in a meaningful way,” Mr Young said.
“Stage One, however, is only the beginning for the company’s longer-term ambition, as we aim to be vertically integrated across all facets of the green hydrogen sector.
“By moving quickly to develop one of the first hydrogen refuelling stations in Western Australia, we are demonstrating our intention to be part of the whole value chain in one of the world’s fastest growing industries, however still clearly in its infancy.
“The company will continue to assess other opportunities in the sector that add long term value for shareholders”.