TechInvest News

Frugl reaches key milestone with grocery comparison App - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Staff Writers | Aug 10, 2020 8:55:34 AM

Frugl Group Limited (ASX:FGL) has completed development and is currently undergoing beta testing of Version 2.0 of its frugl grocery comparison and wellness App, with the aim of launching within the next few weeks.

Frugl aggregates grocery data in real time to provide shoppers with up-to-date specials, product and pricing information to find the lowest grocery prices across Australia’s leading supermarkets.

Frugl helps Australian consumers find healthier options through customisable health profiles and delivering nutritional alerts, allergen alerts and more.

The collation of product, pricing and real-time consumer behavioural data enables deep analysis of shopping trends and the creation of detailed intelligence for retailers and suppliers.

The company’s recent development work on frugl has focused on performance improvements to address key user issues and provide a vastly improved customer experience.

After an initial public release of the frugl App in February, the company has utilised initial user feedback to inform improvements and features to be incorporated in the next major release of the app.

Version 2.0 of frugl will deliver significant improvements in app performance, including product search speeds, product search results loading speeds, pagination response times and search function accuracy. In addition to performance improvements, Version 2.0 will also include major new features to drive user engagement and growth, which will be announced in more detail when launched later in August.