Tech company Global Health has joined with Woolworths subsidiary HealthyLife initiative to build an App that can provide healthcare services to the supermarket chain’s customers across Australia.

HealthyLife provides a third-party platform that connects customers with qualified service providers, including General Practitioners, dietitians and nutritionists.
The partners hope to deliver services across various health sectors, which it says could provide patients with better health outcomes, including within acute and community settings.
The use of telehealth has rapidly scaled up, with over 85 million telehealth services provided to over 16 million individuals as of September 2022.
Our engagement with the HealthyLife team throughout the implementation of the new Telehealth service has been outstanding,” Global Health Managing Director of Mathew Cherian said.
“Over the past three years, Telehealth has been at the forefront of consumers’ minds all across Australia and has been an easy and safe way for patients to access health care providers in times where they aren’t able to access their regular practitioners.
“HealthyLife’s goal of encouraging proactive consumer involvement in conjunction with their healthcare team is strongly aligned to our vision of connecting clinicians and consumers.”