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Gooroo Ventures Limited’s (ASX:GOO) Human Capital Software as a Service (SaaS) platform is now up and running following months of development and refining.

The proprietary software is industry agnostic, predominantly for use by the HR function. Functionality of the Human Capital Software includes:

  1. Monitoring Covid enforced remote location work output;
  2. Email activity, whether remotely or in an office environment;
  3. Compliance oversight for emails pertaining to pre-selected word patterns;
  4. Provision of employee engagement and sentiment analysis via Gooroo’s neuroscientific insights

Gooroo will initially target recruitment and human resources agencies, as well as enterprises with internal HR functions, as potential clients

To expedite revenue generation without the infrastructure costs which Gooroo had incurred in the past, Gooroo has also entered into a 12-month software distribution agreement with a US based vendor, IT Trailblazers LLC , to distribute Gooroo’s Human Capital SaaS in North America.

IT Trailblazers is an IT solutions provider based in New Jersey, USA. Its services includes, amongst others, cybersecurity, cloud solutions, data analytics, and contract staffing and workforce solutions.

Chairman,Tom Brown said, the Gooroo sales/revenue model for Human Capital SaaS has three elements.

  • Customisation (including implementation and deployment) which will be done on a negotiated fee basis, depending on the scope and complexity of the work agreed.
  • Updates or upgrades to the deployed product which will be charged on a fixed fee basis.
  • In addition, IT Trailblazers (or any other reseller) will pay Gooroo a fixed monthly fee in exchange for the right to be a reseller. Any end user and implementation fee is split between

“I am pleased that Gooroo is able to refine and enhance the original proprietary software. The goal now is to be aggressive on sales and marketing to deliver first revenue and more importantly recurring revenue for the company.

“No doubt further development and enhancements will continue in the background, however, I am confident that the team and product will deliver desirable outcomes to the company in the coming months.”

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