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Leading voice-based social media platform developer HearMeOut Limited (ASX: HMO) is planning to fast-track engagement with global publishers and advertising groups following the appointment of high profile media executive David McGrath to its Advisory Board.

HearMeOut adds highly experienced global media specialIst David McGrath to its Advisory Board

David McGrath

Mr McGrath is one of Australia’s leading Media and Technology Executives with more than 20 years international digital experience, specialising in online audience growth and digital commercialisation across programmatic and data driven networks.

He has held executive positions with some of the world’s biggest media and technology companies.

Previously based in New York, Mr McGrath managed global commercial operations for Finnish soft-ware group Kiosked across the US, Europe the Middle East, and Asia Pacific.

Mr McGrath’s experience also includes executive leadership positions at Telstra, IMG, Yahoo!, ASE IT, and Lachlan Murdoch’s Nova Entertainment Group.

He is the outgoing Co-Chair of the Singaporean IAB Data Council (South East Asia), and currently sits on the Advisory Board of Seattle based Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology group Tersai Corporation.

Mr McGrath is currently Chief Digital Officer at Clubs Australia, where he is leading the digital trans-formation across some 6,500 venues and more than 8 million memberships across Australia and New Zealand.

As a HMO Advisory Board member, Mr McGrath will assist the Company to identify and engage with global publishers and advertising groups to drive use by them of the HearMeOut platform.

HearMeOut Executive Director, David Tasker, said Mc McGrath’s appointment is a significant addition to the company

“Attracting someone of David’s calibre to our Advisory Board is a real coup for the Company and comes at a time when we are increasing our engagement with content driven media and publishing groups.

David has had executive leadership positions with some of Australia’s leading media organisations, which gives him unique insights into how to best to engage with them in the most efficient and productive manner.”

Mr McGrath said he was excited to working with the HearMeOut platform.

“On being introduced to the HearMeOut platform I instantly recognised that it was a channel leading social platform that would have immense application and benefit for global publishers and advertising groups, which I already have strong relationships with.

“I am keen to introduce the platform to my media and advertising networks globally, as I believe their engagement with, and use of, the platform will bring as much benefit to them as it will to HearMeOut.”

HMO recently confirmed it had added a key new web technology to its partners kit as a result of a significant increase in interest in the HearMeOut platform from high content publishers (media out-lets, influencers, content agencies, etc).

The new web technology, post scheduling, is similar to that offered by other leading social platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc) and allows users to record and schedule the release of posts (time and day) in advance.

For high content publishers the use of a post scheduling tool is a highly efficient way for them to manage the release and syndication of content on the HearMeOut platform.

Mr Tasker believes that with the appointment of Mr McGrath the HMO Advisory Board is perfectly aligned to, and able to assist in the delivery of, the operational objectives of the company.

“Our key areas of operational focus are clearly identified, being connected car, celebrities and influencers and publishing and media groups, and with the addition of David to the Advisory Board we are able to have global experts in the respective areas assisting and advising us on how to deliver on our operational goals,” he said.

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