IDC has announced that GWA Group, Virtus Health, My Plan Manager, and Great Western Water (GWW) are the top winners in the 2022 IDC Future Enterprise Awards (FEA) Australia and New Zealand.

“Digital-first is the next evolution of digital transformation. IDC’s Future Enterprise Awards 2022 continues to recognise future-forward enterprises that put in place digital-first strategies and harness technology capabilities to compete, as well as create innovation programs that bring optimal outcomes that truly matter to them, at a time of great uncertainty,” says Linus Lai, Chief Analyst and Digital Business Research Manager Lead at IDC A/NZ.
Now on its sixth year, the Future Enterprise Awards honours pioneering organisations and leaders who have transitioned from merely transforming their business to adapt to today’s challenges and disruptions into becoming a truly viable digital business which is the stepping stone towards becoming a real future enterprise.
IDC defines a future enterprise as an enterprise that fosters a digital-first culture, leverages industry ecosystems, generates profitable revenue growth from empathetic customer experiences, demonstrates and ability to adapt operating models to complex customer requirements, and are enabled by an intelligent, empowered and agile workforce.
The rapid acceleration in digital transformation (DX) can be seen in the sixth year of IDC’s Future Enterprise Awards winners. FEA 2022 winners have been deemed pioneers and leaders with their transition from purely DX to a digital business approach. This new era is where digital businesses’ revenue is expected to reach more than 40% of the total revenue in 2027.
GWA Group – Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure:
After transitioning from its on-premises solutions in 2020, GWA sought to transition to a cloud-native platform that would integrate seamlessly with its other applications as part of a wider organizational transformation. Implementing such a platform allowed GWA to transition from their contact centres – which were previously operating on a legacy telephony system – to a system that enhances how businesses harness data for actionable growth and success.
The cloud solution has brought significant benefits, including the ability to measure and assess a full 360-degree review on every customer interaction, eliminate complexity across processes, and introduce greater flexibility and agility to adapt to industry change. Since the successful adoption across its Australian operations, GWA has also scaled the cloud-native platform across its other operational regions, including New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
Virtus Health – Best in Future of Intelligence:
Bringing analytics into daily clinical and operational workflows, the Precision Fertility Digital Platform provides fit-for-purpose, contextual, and information-rich content for patients, providers, and partnerships for each step of the patient journey and service delivery. Precision Fertility (PF) expands digital transformation definitions by enabling the consumption of “Services as a Service” and augmenting clinical and operational data from external applications. PF’s objective is to enable advanced three of six Decision Support Systems (DSS) to be consumed as a service and be seamlessly presented to the patient.
PF’s continuous innovation of their processes by streamlining activities and tasks with automation, monitoring, and escalation, has contributed to a 10% reduction in costs.
My Plan Manager – Best in Future of Operations:
Within the next five years, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will provide funding to an estimated 500,000 Australians. Many of these people choose to navigate the scheme with the help of a plan manager. MPM supports people in choosing service providers, setting an annual budget, and paying service provider invoices.
MPM constantly strives to be a business that not only positively influences clients’ lives, but also has broader positive social and environmental impacts. At MPM, efficiency is a key objective, and this innovation came about through a series of workshops with business and technology stakeholders to identify pain points across the organisation and find new solutions. By employing Robotic Process Automation (RPA), MPM was able to fully automate the onboarding and renewal processes, reducing the amount of data entry required by over 85%.
Greater Western Water (GWW) – Best in Future of Work:
To combat increasingly prevalent and sophisticated cyber security threats, GWW has created CyberBall – an interactive maze game where players move across three levels designed to impart best practices for keeping information and systems safe and secure online. GWW looked at security more holistically and moved cyber security away from the sole responsibility of IT, and into the hands of all employees.
This initiative was a part of a wider safety campaign which was a significant step in enhancing the company’s sense of culture, accountability, and awareness. With the average cost of a cyber-attack being $3.4M, minimizing GWW’s risk of experiencing a cyber-attack is crucial not only from a cost perspective but also from a disruption to their customers and partners.
By employing a multi-faceted approach to cyber security, GWW ensures they have the appropriate perimeter defenses with real-time analytics, governance and policies, and cyber-aware employees.
The ANZ winners of the IDC Future Enterprise Awards were determined following a two-phased approach. Regional and country analysts evaluated each nomination against a standard assessment framework based on IDC’s Future Enterprise taxonomy. A panel of judges composed of IDC analysts, industry practitioners, thought leaders, and academia around the globe determined these organizations as the ones that have closed the digital gap and have gained the greatest business value gains.