Immutep Limited (ASX: IMM) has enrolled and safely dosed the last patient for the stage 2 of Part C of its TACTI-002 Phase II study into a potential head and neck cancer treatment.

This completes recruitment for Part C of the trial which evaluates second line HNSCC patients being treated with Immutep’s lead product candidate, eftilagimod alpha (efti or IMP321) in combination with MSD’s KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab).
Immutep reported encouraging interim data from TACTI-002 at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) 35th Anniversary 2020 Annual Meeting in November 2020.
The company said data from 2nd line HNSCC patients was very robust and forms an excellent basis for additional clinical development in this indication.
Immutep also reported that the recruitment of an additional 74 patients with 1st line NSCLC in accordance with the TACTI-002 collaboration trial expansion plans has commenced with four patients newly recruited, adding to the 36 patients already enrolled prior to the expansion. In total 40 of 110 patients with 1st line NSCLC have now been recruited in Part A of TACTI-002.
The company expects to report more data from TACTI-002 in the first half of CY 2021.
TACTI-002 (Two ACTive Immunotherapies) is being conducted in collaboration with Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA. The study is evaluating the combination of efti with MSD’s KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab) in patients with second line head and neck squamous cell carcinoma or non-small cell lung cancer in first and second line.