TechInvest News

InteliCare deployment at Hardi Aged Care

Written by Staff Writer | Sep 26, 2024 8:21:09 AM

Australian Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) technology company InteliCare Holdings (ASX: ICR) has welcomed the deployment of its proprietary AI driven InteliCare platform in the aged care, disability and health sectors.

ICR’s deployment within Hardi Aged Care has continued at the Manly Vale facility, with installation having recently commenced in 42 individual rooms at the Blacktown facility.

Deployment at Hardi’s Manly Vale facility has now moved into the client handover phase, with key staff now experiencing key benefits that the platform can deliver, particularly the newly deployed “real time location” (RTLS) awareness capabilities. The client handover phase will continue over the coming months.

So far InteliCare has received revenues of approximately $305,000, representing 70% of revenues for InteliCare hardware and implementation deployments at the Manly Vale facility and for 42 beds at the Blacktown facility. The final 30% for this first phase at these sites will be invoiced in coming months.

Hardi and ICR continue to finalise deployment and purchase plans for the four remaining Hardi facilities. As previously disclosed, the total Hardware and implementation fees generated from this agreement will be $1.7 million with approximately $400,000 generated in SaaS fees once the platform is fully deployed across all six sites.

“I am delighted with the progress that is being made in both of Hardi’s Manly Vale and Blacktown facilities, and I am also encouraged by the great relationship being developed between the Hardi and InteliCare teams,” CEO, Daniel Pilbrow, said.

“The planning for the integration with key existing Hardi operational systems is well underway. Once completed these integrations will provide Hardi’s staff with access to connected information to inform care decision making and support the best outcomes for their residents.”