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ASX-listed radio frequency reconnaissance data-as-a-service provider Kleos Space (ASX: KSS) has contracted Innovative Solutions in Space B.V. (ISISPACE) to build and support its third satellite cluster, the Polar Patrol Mission (KSF2). The four Polar Patrol Mission satellites are scheduled to launch at the end of 2021 onboard a SpaceX Falcon 9.

Specialising in small-satellite solutions, Netherlands-based ISISPACE has more than 15 years of experience in the design, manufacture, and operation of nanosatellites and is currently also preparing Kleos’ second satellite cluster, the Polar Vigilance Mission (KSF1), for dispatch to the launch site next week.

Under the contract, ISISPACE will provide a turn-key solution including design, development, production, testing, launch integration services and early orbit phase support. The contract also includes an optional addendum for a further three satellite clusters (12 further satellites in total) that will facilitate constellation growth with volume purchasing advantages.

Kleos’ satellites detect and geolocate radio frequency transmissions, enhancing the detection of illegal maritime activity, including piracy, drug and people smuggling, border security challenges and illegal fishing. Its global activity-based data is sold as-a-service to governments and commercial entities, complementing existing commercial datasets to improve their intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities.

Launching into a 500-600km Sun Synchronous orbit, Kleos’ third satellite cluster doubles the company’s coverage over both poles, complementing its Scouting Mission and Polar Vigilance Mission satellites. The Polar Patrol Mission enhances Kleos’ global coverage, creating an opportunity for higher value subscriptions and revenues by adding more frequent cover over commercial areas of interest.

The company said it is expecting to commence delivering data from its Scouting Mission satellites to early adopter customers shortly. Its second satellite cluster, the Polar Vigilance satellites, are on track for a mid-2021 launch onboard a SpaceX Falcon 9.

Commenting on the contract, Kleos Space CEO Andy Bowyer said, “ISISPACE has proven to be an ideal development partner for Kleos, with our second satellite cluster nearing completion ahead of a mid-year launch. Targeting a constellation of up to 20 satellite clusters, each new satellite cluster will increase sensing and intelligence gathering capabilities generating higher value data products for subscribers.”

Jeroen Rotteveel, CEO of ISISPACE, said, “We are proud to continue our partnership with Kleos, utilising our extensive nanosatellite experience to build and design their third satellite cluster within a relatively short timeframe. As a strategic partner, we look forward to supporting them as they continue to build and launch their small satellite constellation.”

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