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Little Green Pharma’s (ASX: LGP) Desert Flame high THC (20%) medicinal cannabis flower product has been granted a Marketing Authorisation in Poland. The company is scheduled to ship its first product from Australia in October 2023.

Marketing Authorisations are the sole pathway for the supply of medicinal cannabis products in Poland. There are currently 10 Marketing Authorisations for cannabis flower products with a THC content in the range of 18-22%, with current wholesale medicinal cannabis flower prices ranging between €7.50 to €9.50 per gram and retail prices from between €11 – €15 per gram.

LGP’s distribution partner, Medezin S.p. z.o.o. (Medezin), will hold the Marketing Authorisation and distribute the product on a white-label basis during the term of the parties’ distribution agreement. Medezin is a highly experienced and large-scale pharmaceutical distributor and a wholly owned subsidiary of Pelion SA, the largest operator in the Polish and Lithuanian healthcare sectors.

Since 2021, LGP has invested time and resources developing its product dossier expertise and was responsible for preparing and submitting the Marketing Authorisation application for the product.

Today, the company stands well positioned to apply to register additional products in Poland and other jurisdictions with similarly high barriers to entry.

With a population of 38 million, an import only supply regime, general practitioner (GP) prescribing capability, no restrictions on the conditions treatable with cannabis, and a predicted compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16%2, LGP regards Poland as another highly prospective new medicinal cannabis market in Europe alongside France and Italy.

The company believes the Marketing Authorisation continues to confirm the advantages of developing a robust, export-led sales strategy as well as LGP’s status as a significant global exporter of medicinal cannabis.

Pelion SA Group

Pelion SA is the largest company in the Polish and Lithuanian healthcare sector, with nearly 10 billion PLN (~A$3.5 billion) in annual revenue and a 30-year operating history covering all areas of pharmaceutical distribution.

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