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Australian bioseperation biotechnology company Memphasys (ASX: MEM) has obtained positive results from an initial study validating the commercial potential of its Felix System in improving the quality of frozen-thawed stallion spermatozoa.

Conducted by the University of Newcastle’s Infertility and Reproduction Research Program, the study confirms the Felix System is an effective solution for equine breeders, providing faster and higher-quality sperm isolation and was the precursor to a much larger study now underway.

Study Overview

The study was designed to explore the capability of the Felix System in isolating high-quality spermatozoa from frozen- thawed stallion ejaculates. The study also examined the Felix Systems’ efficacy with stallions exhibiting low tolerance to freezing. Results demonstrated the system’s ability to produce sperm with higher motility, less DNA fragmentation, and reduced oxidative stress—critical factors for successful equine assisted reproductive technology (ART), including in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Why This Is Important for Breeders

For equine breeders, the success of ART depends on using the healthiest sperm. The Felix System isolates the most viable sperm more effectively and efficiently than traditional methods, which directly improves fertility outcomes.

Additionally, the Felix System processes sperm samples in just six minutes, compared to 20 minutes for most other techniques currently used by industry. This speed and efficiency are vital for commercial breeders handling large volumes of high-value genetic material.

Scaling Up: Three-Year Study for Commercialisation

Building on these encouraging results, Memphasys has commenced a larger, three-year equine fertility study. This strategic study, in collaboration with the University of Newcastle and EquiBreedUK Ltd, aims to further validate the Felix System for the global equine market.

Initial commercial outcomes from this study are expected within 12 months, with the potential to access over 4,000 breeders globally. The Felix Systems’ ability to improve breeding success rates, while reducing processing times offers a compelling value proposition for breeders looking to optimise their operations.

Market and Commercial Potential

The global equine Artificial Insemination (AI) market was valued at an estimated USD $681 million per annum in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7% from 2024 to 20321. With approximately 3,950 equine semen collection and processing facilities worldwide, Felix is poised to capture a significant portion of this market. Importantly, the FelixTM System requires no major modifications for entry into the non-thoroughbred equine breeding sector, enabling rapid commercialisation. The technology may also have broader applications in bovine and other animal fertility markets, leveraging insights from this equine study.

“The positive results from this study validate the Felix System as a powerful tool for the equine breeding industry,” Dr David Ali, Managing Director and CEO, said.

“We are now scaling up our efforts with a larger three-year study to further solidify the Felix Systems’ commercial readiness. With demand for assisted reproductive technology continuing to grow globally, the Felix System offers breeders an efficient and effective way to improve fertility outcomes. We anticipate launching the Felix System commercially for non-thoroughbred breeders within the next 12 months.”

Next Steps and Market Readiness

With the successful completion of the initial study, Memphasys is actively pursuing partnerships with global distributors to bring the Felix System to market. The ongoing three-year study will generate the data necessary for market entry, with results expected to be published within 12 months. Memphasys is poised for rapid expansion into the equine breeding market, and the Felix System is expected to play a key role in advancing global breeding practices.

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