Australian-based reproductive biotechnology company, Memphasys Limited (ASX: MEM) has appointed Associate Professor Hassan Bakos to the position of Director of Operations, effective 24 April 2023.

In his new role, Associate Professor Bakos will oversee MEM’s daily operations. He will also provide input into sales of the Felix System, development of the next generation Felix device, strategy, and product commercialisation.
Associate Professor Bakos joins MEM from ASX-listed Monash IVF Group (MVF) where, for the past eight years, he held a key leadership role as the NSW Scientific Director, managing six direct reports and a large scientific team across NSW and ACT. Apart from the scientific component, his role also included the onboarding of new clinicians, co-project managing the development, building and operational set up of the new Sydney CBD and Penrith clinics and the integration of technical operations of acquired clinics in NSW.
During his time at MVF, Associate Professor Bakos gained deep knowledge and understanding of the workings and performance of the Felix System. He was a major contributor to MEM’s Key Opinion Leader (KOL) study and is one of the authors of the paper “A comparison between the Felix electrophoretic system of sperm isolation and conventional density gradient centrifugation: a multicentre analysis”, which is published in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics.
He was a major contributor to the Felix System design, early testing and development and, as a Monash IVF team member, he contributed to the design, execution, and coordination of the clinical trial of the Felix System which the Company is undertaking at eight Monash IVF sites. He will have a continuing role overseeing this and other trials of the Felix System within MEM.
Prior to moving to MVF in Sydney, Associate Professor Bakos held the role of Deputy Scientific Director at Repromed in South Australia, which is part of MVF. He also held academic roles at the University of Adelaide and at the University of Sydney. He is currently a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle and has worked closely with MEM’s Research Director, Distinguished Emeritus Professor John Aitken in co-supervising various PhD students and co-authoring published scientific papers.
MEM’s Managing Director and CEO, Alison Coutts said that she had developed a trusted and fruitful working relationship with Associate Professor Bakos over the past few years, and that he was a well- respected professional in the fertility field, who brought a unique balance of scientific expertise, business acumen and management skills to the role.
“We are delighted to have attracted a person of such standing and deep IVF industry experience to Memphasys. It is a reflection of the quality of MEM’s innovation and commercial opportunities that the Company has attracted Professor John Aitken, MEM’s Research Director, Dr David Ali, the newly appointed Director of Business Development, Sales and Marketing and now Associate Professor Hassan Bakos to its leadership team. With his first-hand knowledge of the Felix System, Hassan will also assist David Ali with positioning the Felix system for greater international recognition and sales.”
Associate Professor Bakos holds a Bachelor of Health Sciences with Honours, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine (with special commendation) from the University of Adelaide. He also holds a Master of Business Administration and a Graduate Certificate in Management from the Australian Institute of Management.