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National Currency Exchange puts blockchain on the agenda for Australian students - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Staff Writers | Dec 12, 2018 4:21:50 PM

One of Australia’s leading cryptocurrency trading houses, the National Currency Exchange has signed a strategic partnership with Student Edge, the nation’s largest student organisation, for the promotion and education of blockchain technology.

The partnership follows a study by Student Edge, revealing up to 18 percent of the country’s students are keen to explore greater use of cryptocurrencies.

The collaborative agreement between NCX and Student Edge seeks to resolve the identified knowledge gap, while also offering the Currency Exchange direct access to technologically savvy students.

Education activities will commence shortly through email direct marketing (eDM) to a targeted portion of more than 200,000 students within Student Edge’s over-one-million-member base.

The NCX is an Australian owned and operated currency exchange which tracks a range of popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash.

Commenting on the strategic partnership, NCX Chief Executive Officer Tommy Shin said:

“The member base of Student Edge is the next driving force and cycle for the tech industry. All major and bull runs are based on generational habits like the previous gold rush. For many people these days, banks are just a mobile phone app. We don’t have to physically go to the bank and line up anymore. So the swap for them from traditional bank to crypto is flawless already.

“Raising awareness and educating some of Australia’s up-and-coming students is a core priority for the National Currency Exchange, as we firmly believe blockchain and cryptocurrency will play a significant role in the future.

“The agreement with Student Edge is another step in the right direction, with our platform being front-of-mind for a large cohort of intelligent young people.

“We are also pleased that our agreement is not purely based on commercial orientation, but also holds an element of education, as it is important for all people to better understand the benefits of distributed ledger technology.

“The NCX continues to build its reputation for open, secure digital asset trading as one of Australia’s earliest exchanges operating advanced security technology,” he said.

The partnership between NCX and Student Edge is tipped to expand into 2019 with both organisations signifying an intent to collaborate further on blockchain and cryptocurrency education for students.