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NeuroScientific Biopharmaceuticals Ltd (ASX: NSB) has obtained positive results from recently completed biomarker studies of the company’s other peptide candidates (in addition to lead drug candidate EmtinB) EmtinAC, EmtinAN and EmtinBN.

The activity of EmtinAC, EmtinAN, and EmtinBN was characterised using BioMAP profiling in validated human primary cell-based assays modelling complex tissue and disease biology (multiple cell types and pathways stimulated) which are predictive for disease outcomes, specific drug effects, and toxicity.

The preclinical biomarker studies were conducted by leading independent contract research organisation Eurofins, US in human primary cell-based models of complex tissue and disease biology.

In addition to advanced lead drug candidate EmtinB, NeuroScientific’s product pipeline consists of three closely related peptide-based compounds generated from the active domains of the protective human protein metallothionein-IIA (MTIIA).

Both EmtinAC and EmtinAN are derived from the α-domain, and EmtinBN from the β-domain of MTIIA. MTIIA plays an important role in regulating processes of the innate immune system that stabilise tissue damage and aid in tissue repair. Candidate peptides EmtinAC and EmtinAN both modulated key immune and inflammatory biomarkers relevant for important drug targets.

EmtinAC regulated a major driver of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions called TNFα, which is also the drug target for highly successful drug Humira, a disease modifying treatment for autoimmune conditions that generated global sales revenue of US$20 billion in 2020.

EmtinAN significantly decreased biomarkers strongly associated with lung inflammation (CXCL9, CXCL10, and CXCL11), and candidate peptide EmtinBN modulated biomarkers relevant for tissue healing and wound repair (tPA and TF).

Importantly, these studies generated data that furthers our understanding of off-target safety, mechanism of action, and potential treatment indications for each peptide candidate.

These results are highly encouraging and allow us to confidently prioritise development of the most promising peptide candidates from our current drug pipeline,” NeuroScientific’s Managing Director and CEO, Matt Liddelow, said.

“Biomarker data has become an essential element of de-risking our R&D programmes and has helped to accelerate decision-making processes.

“With the transition of our lead drug candidate EmtinB into clinical development in 2022, the selective and strategic advancement of our other peptide candidates adds future security and increases the value of our developing pipeline.”

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