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Neurotech commences in vitro trials of unique cannabis strains - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Staff Writers | Sep 23, 2020 9:47:09 AM

Neurotech International Limited (ASX: NTI) has commenced in vitro cell studies to assess the neuro-protective, anti-inflammatory and neuro- modulatory activities of key cannabis strains.

Chairman Mark Davies said the trials are part of Neurotech’s research into the potential of cannabinoids for medicinal use in treating neurological disorders including autism, epilepsy and ADHD.

Commencement of trials follows ACS Laboratories’ (ACS) genetic profiling and full potency analysis on 80 cannabis samples from Australian cannabis grower Dolce Cann Global Pty Ltd, with results from this work supporting Neurotech’s plans.

Mr Davies said the in vitro studies would assess the activities of the lead Dolce strains, determined by the earlier genetic profiling, in human neuroblast cells as well as microglial cells and assays.

Neurotech is one of the first groups in the world to carry out these cell lines studies on newly discovered cannabinoid varieties including CBDA, CBDP and CBDB,” Mr Davies said.

“These studies will be an exciting development and contribution to the medical cannabis research field.

“These studies will also assess the activities of the newly discovered cannabinoids; CBDP and CBDB. In vitro studies are a powerful way of ascertaining the bio-efficacy of these strains prior to commencing clinical trials. These studies will enable NTI to determine the safety, bio-efficacy and dose response.”

Mr Davies said the in vitro trials would be completed across three independent scientific laboratories, Monash University, University of Wollongong and RMIT in Melbourne.

“All three facilities are internationally recognised for their outstanding work in the field of cannabinoid research and development, as well as developing the most relevant human derived cell lines relating to neuronal development. These cell lines are a powerful and effective tool in assessing bio-efficacy of actives and determining mechanism of action for our selected key cannabis strains.”

Neurotech expects in vitro trials to be complete in November. Based on the findings of this work, Neurotech plans to commence clinical trials, using the key cannabis strains from Dolce and its own proprietary Mente autism neurofeedback device which analyses brain wave activity.