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A high-speed wireless device expected to transform internet connectivity for businesses in regional Australia is being developed through a partnership between leading telco Vastnet and wireless technology developer R-Spectrum.

The agreement will focus on the development of an advanced rooftop device that will provide faster internet data speeds via mobile networks in areas where there’s a lack of fixed fibre connectivity.

Stage one of the project will involve proof-of-concept testing, followed by the launch of a small-scale pilot program that will involve Vastnet installing the device in regional areas to confirm performance of the device under a number of different operating conditions.

R-Spectrum, an Australian wireless technology start-up, is now able to advance its innovation from the concept phase by tapping into Vastnet’s independent, enterprise-grade core network and infrastructure, and the telco’s capabilities as a licensed ACMA Telco Carrier.

Vastnet’s agility as an innovative and flexible telecommunications provider and its focus on servicing regional Australia has perfectly positioned the Australian telco company to be involved in the development of new wireless access technologies.

Vastnet Director David Stevens said his team was exploring the many communication technologies available that could advance Vastnet’s ongoing transformation of regional connectivity throughout Australia.

He said while many of the project details were highly confidential, the desired outcome was for a new wireless device that transmitted data through mobile networks at much greater speeds and in a more cost-effective manner.

“We are thrilled to be involved in this exciting research and development program that has the potential to revolutionise the internet for regional and remote parts of Australia,” he said. “By working with innovative technology developers like R-Spectrum, Vastnet is able to maintain its position at the forefront of development of emerging wireless technologies and that reinforces its ongoing commitment to regional Australian connectivity enhancement.

“This is a game-changing approach that will allow Vastnet to significantly extend its regional service area which would be an exciting step forward in enhancing regional connectivity.”

The research and development partnership with Vastnet is a major advancement for R-Spectrum, a technology start-up pioneering a new approach to the provision of wireless internet.

R-Spectrum’s lead developer Doug Pukallus said collaboration with Vastnet was key to the project’s successful outcome.

“We are developing a wireless internet device that leverages emerging multi-antenna and multifrequency technologies to improve the speed and range of data connections, helping to connect even the most isolated locations,” he said.

“Our partnership with Vastnet is central to the program as the telco is a unique market player who holds an intimate understanding of remote connectivity challenges – experience that our team will integrate at the hardware design level.

“We also require access to Vastnet’s infrastructure and network, as well as their carrier licence agreements with Australia’s leading telecommunications providers for us to be able to explore and leverage emerging technologies and deliver faster wireless internet speeds more reliably.

“Both R-Spectrum and Vastnet share the primary focus of connecting regional Australia and this is key to a successful venture.”

The partnership with R-Spectrum continues the Vastnet development strategy that focuses on deploying advanced and innovative technologies on its network, and ultimately transforming the way regional Australia does business.

R-Spectrum is a team of wireless technology developers operating underneath the Halberd Bastion enterprise, which is an Australian-based wireless technology firm specialising in the development of 4G, 5G, and IoT telecommunications hardware.

Vastnet’s advanced capabilities as an ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) licensed telco carrier with its own independent core network and infrastructure is already transforming connectivity for regional areas of Australia.

By tailoring services with cost-effective “outside the box” solutions, Vastnet is able to meet a client’s specific communications and budgetary requirements to provide high-speed internet data, voice and co-location for regional businesses, even in areas of Australia with no fixed fibre connectivity.

Vastnet prides itself on its personalised service, with the Australian-based support team available to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Vastnet’s regional head office is located in Toowoomba. For more information on Vastnet’s services, phone 1300 985 123, email or visit

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