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David Tasker

Corporate advisory firm Triangle Capital Partners is the driving force behind a new fund which will ‘bookend’ technology investments in commercialised technology companies in Australia and grow them into the high-demand market of China.

With high demand for foreign innovations and technologies in the maturing China market, there are significant opportunities for a number of Australian companies with commercialised technologies to grow into this immense market, said Triangle’s founder and Managing Director, Kent Matla, who has 25 years’ China experience.

The Australia China Innovation Growth Fund plans focusing on highgrowth and high-demand sectors across China, like envirotech, infotech, medtech, and foodtech and invest in a portfolio of companies with commercialised in-market innovations and technologies in Australia that meet those demands.

“We will achieve this by identifying and securing the best market connections and entry channels to targeted high-growth industry sectors in China via our team’s networks and ‘bookend’ parties – targeting Australian expansion-ready tech businesses, then filtering, selecting, structuring, and investing in them based on prioritised on China ‘bookend’ demand.

We already have expressions of specific interest for China demand, Mr Matla said.

Capital raising for the fund has recently commenced and investors are being targeted from Australia, China, and South East Asia, with a particular focus being securing an Australian family group or corporate to cornerstone the fund.

The fund has a strong and experienced management team with a high-profile and experienced, China-based advisory board, plus a team of outsourced professional services providers to handle compliance, due diligence, legals, tax and accounting, and public relations.

Greg Riebe, Chairman of the Perth Angels investor network, says Australia has great innovative and globally competitive technologies but achieving rapid scale into global markets needs strong in-market connections. The Australia China Innovation Growth Fund mitigates this major issue though its in-market ‘bookend’ partners in an extremely large market.

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