Nutritional Growth Solutions (ASX:NGS) a global provider of scientifically formulated and clinically studied pediatric nutritional products, has appointed two highly experienced strategic advisors for Australia, China and Southeast Asia to maximise growth in these regions.
Mr Peter Osborne has been appointed as a Strategic Advisor for China and Southeast Asia, bringing more than 20 years’ industry experience to the role. Mr Osborne was previously Managing Director Asia for Blackmores Limited and has served as Australian Senior Trade Commissioner in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Currently, Mr Osborne is a Strategic Advisor in Asia for ASX listed retail and consumer goods companies, Ecofibre Limited and BWX Limited, Operating Partner of Cortina Capital, Strategic Advisor to Edison Partners, External Advisor to Bain & Company and Asia Pacific Chairman for US probiotic company Seed Health.

Mr Osborne will work closely with the NGS Board and CEO to grow the Healthy Heights® brand in China and Southeast Asia.
In Australia, Mr Mark Sargent has been appointed as NGS’ representative. Mr Sargent has over 20 years’ experience in consumer health, including 18 years at global pharmaceuticals company Bayer where he has been in senior global & Asia Pacific customer & marketing roles and most recently over 10 years as the ANZ General Manager. During this time, Mr Sargent also was a board member the Australia industry association (Consumer Health Product Australia), including roles as both Chair & Vice Chair. He brings a deep understanding of the Australian consumer health market and will work closely with NGS to position the Company for a successful local launch.

“With these expert appointments, Nutritional Growth Solutions is better positioned to increase its market share across China and Southeast Asia, as well as enter the Australian market to deliver on our vision of being a leading household name for child nutrition, and the market leader globally for nutritional products to assist children reach their optimal height.
“There is global demand for our products that are scientifically formulated by paediatric doctors, clinically proven to work and are filled with macro and micronutrients that are ideal to support healthy growth in children.