Nutritional Growth Solutions Ltd, a global nutrition company that creates scientifically formulated and clinically proven supplements to support growth development in children and young people, has received positive results from a clinical trial on its Grow Daily Boys 10+ formula, with the results published in peer-reviewed international pediatric research journal, Acta Paediatrica1.

The 12-month, randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study was carried out by 160 healthy, lean, and short, pre-adolescent 10 to 14.5-year-old males in two stages: Stage 1 (months 0-6), a double-blinded intervention with nutritional formula or placebo (1:1), and Stage 2 (months 6-12), an open-label extension with the nutritional formula for all the participants.
The results found that participants who consumed Grow Daily Boys 10+ over six-months, demonstrated an increase to their weight, BMI, and muscle mass, compared to participants consuming the placebo supplement.
Older participants in the study (11.4 years+) who consumed the Grow Daily Boys 10+ formula maintained their height increase rate, while the participants taking the placebo formula displayed a decrease in height increase rate.
In addition, the results showed a significant dose-response correlation between the amount of nutritional formula consumed and changes in growth.
Lead researcher of the study Dr Michal Yackobovitch-Gavan said:
“Intervention with a multi-nutrient, protein-rich formula was effective at increasing weight, fat-free-mass, muscle mass, and BMI in short and lean pre-pubertal male adolescents. It also prevented the expected decline in height increase rate in older participants. All the participants were with no pubertal signs at the study entry. Hence, older participants were with delayed puberty as compared to their peers, and expected to grow slower as compared to children in the same age who already have begun their pubertal growth spurt.
This is a key trial that evaluated the importance of nutrition for pre-adolescents and is certain to inspire more research.”
Nutritional Growth Solutions CEO and Managing Director, Liron Fendell said:
“As we launch Grow Daily Boys 10+ to market, it is great to have the clinical trial findings to verify the positive effect on growth for teen and pre-teen boys.
“As we continue to build relationships with pharmacies and health food stores around the world, we also ensure they are equipped to educate buyers about what the trial findings mean and the best way to use the product for their child.
“The make-up of nutrients required for optimal growth changes throughout a child’s growing years and this is why we created a formulation specifically for boys aged 10 and over. Our new Grow Daily Boys 10+ range contains all the essential micronutrients, such as calcium and iron with high protein needed for optimal growth in pre-teens.
“With both the Grow Daily Boys 10+ and Healthy Height® product for children aged 3 – 9 officially proven to increase growth development in young people, we look forward to testing our formulas in different ways, such as our trials on children treating ADHD with stimulant medication, as well as on additional innovative products we look to bring to market.”