Medical device company OncoSil Medical Ltd (ASX: OSL) has reached its first commercial agreement in Spain for the OncoSil device at The Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Madrid.

Following this successful treatment earlier this month, OncoSil has signed a commercial agreement with The Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada in Madrid to treat additional patients with locally advanced Pancreatic Cancer.
The legally binding agreement worth €374k (A$553k) has been awarded to OncoSil to enable the treatment of patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer to be treated with the OncoSil device.
The agreement is on-going and includes a set number of doses to be delivered by the hospital which will be subject to renewal once utilised, and standard termination clauses apply.
The sales team in Spain is currently working with other trained hospitals to facilitate further agreements to enable greater patient access to the OncoSil device treatment in various regions throughout Spain.
We are excited that we have secured a significant commercial agreement with The Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada so soon after they successfully treated their first patient,” OncoSil’s CEO and Managing Director, Nigel Lange, said.
“This is an important advance for patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer in Spain. We look forward to entering into further agreements with hospitals in Spain to improve patient access to the OncoSil device. This is in addition to training additional OncoSil treatment sites in other European countries.”