3D data analytics company Pointerra Limited (ASX:3DP) and Australian predictive analytics management company Advanced Mobility Analytics Group Pty Ltd (AMAG) have signed a Non-Binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to deliver a new solution and accelerate sales growth across the global road transport sector.

Pointerra is an Australian public company focussed on the global commercialisation of its patented 3D geospatial data technology. Pointerra’s technology solves entrenched problems associated with 3D digital asset management workflows and allows very large 3D datasets to be managed and analysed without the need for expensive and time-consuming high-performance computing, delivering accuracy, insight and answers for customers in unprecedented timeframes.
AMAG is a private equity funded company focused on the commercialisation of its SaaS product for the road transport sector. AMAG leverages sophisticated video and LiDAR analytics, cloud and edge computing, vision engineering, artificial intelligence, and advanced econometric and statistical techniques – delivering a world-leading predictive analytics SaaS platform called SMART, with application across the transport sector from safety, operations, management, and planning.
For Pointerra, the partnership with AMAG will accelerate growth in the transport sector, which is one of the Company’s target verticals in the linear infrastructure asset space.
Pointerra has existing road transport sector customers contributing to ACV and using its core DPaaS, DaaS and AaaS solutions however the many challenges facing the road transport sector extend beyond the use of insight derived from 3D data and the Company believes that the partnership with AMAG will provide both companies with accelerated growth in revenue.
For AMAG, the partnership with Pointerra will complete a gap in AMAG’s SMART platform, whereby AMAG’s existing and advanced video-derived analytics solution will be enhanced by merging insight derived from Pointerra’s 3D LiDAR capability, creating a compelling and more comprehensive SMART platform offering, which the companies believe will allow local, regional, and state governments to better manage and operate transport systems for improved safety outcomes for all road users.
In delivering our world first SMART platform that uses predictive analytics, AI, and advanced econometrics to transform the transportation industry and ultimately deliver smarter, safer, better managed cities, we will succeed through key partnerships, like we have formed with Pointerra. I am delighted to have Ian and the Pointerra team on board,” AMAG’s CEO and Co-Founder, Dr Simon Washington, said.