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Luke Fitzpatrick

Australian developed team productivity tool, Task Pigeon, will launch its beta product tomorrow Tuesday.

Task Pigeon lets you monitor progress, share files and collaborate, in an efficient and seamless manner and without the mess.

The initial idea for Task Pigeon came from a personal problem that Founder, Paul Towers, had. While working in sales teams he found ‘following up on tasks’ was a big problem. He created Task Pigeon to fix this.

Towers used Lean Startup Principles in the development of this product, interviewing over 200 people to determine how they manage tasks, identifying what they don’t like with the current solutions, and determining if they would be willing to test an alternative.

From the data, Towers found there was rarely a one-size fits all tool, and competitors like Atlassian, who’s Jira task management tool cater more towards technical agile teams, rather than small businesses or freelancers.

Towers believes Task Pigeon will fill this gap in the market and create a simpler alternative for small to medium teams, who prefer simplicity over excess features.

Trello, another team productivity tool, surpassed 1.1 million daily users, tripling sales to $10M average rate of return , with 150,000 new users added daily. It was recently acquired by Atlassian for $425M.

Commenting on the acquisition Tower said “Trello is and will continue to be a competitor to Task Pigeon whether Atlassian owns them or not. I knowingly choose to enter a competitive space because I believe there is a gap in the market.”

Towers chose to adopt an open transparency model , emulating the model used by other successful Australian startups, who used ‘transparency’ to grow their respective brands.

In a way, Task Pigeon and Groove share a lot of similarities. Alex Turnbull, Founder of Groove, competed against all the odds with tech giants Zendesk and Freshdesk. After 18 months of launching, Turnbull turned down a $12M acquisition offer and, is now on a journey to hit $10M ARR.

If history repeats itself, there might be room still left in the market for new entrants like Task Pigeon to grow by being transparent with customers and listening to feedback. Global Market Insights forecasted that the collaborated software market would grow at 13% CAGR from 2016 to 2024.

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