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Proteomics International Laboratories (ASX: PIQ) has announced groundbreaking results showing the PromarkerD predictive test can predict renal decline in type 1 diabetes.


The results were presented in a study titled "Application of a validated prognostic protein biomarker test for renal decline in type 2 diabetes to type 1 diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II" at the Australasian Diabetes Conference in Perth, Australia, held 21-23 August.


The findings have also been accepted for publication in the journal of Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology. This pioneering research marks the company’s first venture into the realm of type 1 diabetes.


The study addresses a significant gap in the medical field, focusing on the lack of prognostic biomarkers for chronic kidney disease (CKD) in individuals with type 1 diabetes. Utilising the PromarkerD test, originally developed and validated for predicting renal decline in type 2 diabetes, researchers assessed its efficacy in a cohort of 92 individuals with type 1 diabetes from the Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II.


The results are promising, with the PromarkerD test demonstrating strong predictive accuracy. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was an impressive 0.93, indicating robust performance in predicting CKD risk and kidney function decline.


"This significant advancement highlights the versatility and robustness of the PromarkerD test. We are excited about the potential impact this could have on managing kidney health in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients,” Managing Director, Dr. Richard Lipscombe, said.


Diabetes affects over 537 million people worldwide, and chronic kidney disease is a major complication, leading to severe health outcomes and increased mortality. Type 1 diabetes represents approximately 10% of all cases of diabetes and cannot be prevented.


Diabetes has emerged as the largest single cause of end- stage renal disease (leading to dialysis or kidney transplant) in developed and developing countries.


These preliminary findings suggest that the PromarkerD test is a highly effective prognostic tool for renal decline in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, heralding a new era in diabetic kidney disease management.


PromarkerD has previously been validated as accurately predicting the onset of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) and future kidney function decline up to four years in advance in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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