Leading digital health company ResApp Health Limited (ASX:RAP) has completed recruitment in its US-based SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) clinical study, COVID-Cough.

The study has now collected audio cough recordings and self-reported symptoms for 122 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed COVID-19 positive cases and 139 PCR confirmed COVID-19 negative cases.
CEO and Managing Director, Dr Tony Keating, said the US-based COVID-Cough pilot clinical study (clinicaltrials.gov: NCT04864535) aims to collect data to train an algorithm to identify COVID-19 through cough sounds recorded on a smartphone, using a gold standard PCR pathology test as a reference.
We greatly appreciate the support of all participants who enrolled in the study and the work of our partners, Phosphorus and Covid Clinic in helping us complete recruitment,” Dr Keating said.
“This US data, as well as data from our recently completed Indian clinical study and our datasets collected pre-COVID-19, provides us with a high-quality clinical dataset to build, train and validate algorithms for detection and monitoring of COVID-19.
“As the fourth wave of COVID-19 spreads worldwide, our team is working hard to deliver algorithms for a much-needed, instant smartphone-based screening test and patient monitoring tools that could change the way the world lives with this virus.”
ResApp’s machine learning algorithms use sound to diagnose and measure the severity of respiratory conditions without the need for additional accessories or hardware.
ResApp’s regulatory-approved and clinically validated products include ResAppDx, a smartphone-based acute respiratory disease diagnostic test for use in telehealth, emergency department and primary care settings; and SleepCheck, a smartphone application which allows consumers to self-assess their risk of sleep apnoea.
Both products are CE Marked in Europe and TGA approved in Australia.