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Automated agricultural cultivation technology specialist Roto-Gro Inc. (ASX:RGI), has filed three provisional patent applications in the United States of America for its unique gardening systems.

As a result of filing these provisional patent applications, the company has secured a filing date which will act as the priority filing date in any country in which a corresponding regular patent application is filed within one year.

The Patent Applications were filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The following are the title and application number for each of the Patent Applications:

1.) Plant Tray, Feed Nozzle and Plant Tray Feed System – 63/088,597;
2.) Automated Plant Tray Shuttle and System – 63/088,607; and
3.) Rotating Garden Rails for Holding Plant Trays – 63/088,623.

Non-Executive Chairman, Michael Carli, said the Patent Applications pertain to RotoGro’s Model 710 Rotational Garden Systems and supporting automated technology.

The 710 Garden Systems will be utilised for the cultivation of high-quality produce in state-of-the-art production facilities, globally. The Supporting Technology automates other aspects of the plant propagation, cultivation and harvesting process, significantly decreasing operational costs related to labour.

The filing of these provisional patent applications demonstrates the company’s commitment to solidifying and protecting RotoGro’s proprietary intellectual property,” Mr Carli said.

“The provisional patents pertain to RotoGro’s new Model 710 Garden System, which is designed and manufactured for the automated cultivation of high-quality produce.

“The company expects that this technology will propel RotoGro’s products to the forefront of indoor vertical farming technology. We will continue to update the market and our shareholders as we prosecute these patent applications through filing to award.”

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