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SenSen receives maiden global order for AI filtering solution - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Staff Writers | Oct 15, 2019 9:07:37 AM

Leading smart cities solution provider SenSenNetworks Limited (ASX: SNS) has received its first international commercial order to supply its AI-FARM software solution to a global technology, defence and engineering group based in Singapore.

AI-FARM is an artificial intelligence-based software solution that can be applied wherever video analytic systems generate an overwhelming number of false alarms. AI-FARM reduces and manages the false alarms efficiently, thereby reducing the human workload of responding to false triggers.

AI-FARM automatically filters many thousands of false image captures made by its fleet of illegal dumping incident detection cameras on a daily basis and help officers to focus on images that matter reducing their review from days to just a few hours.

Similarly, a large number of false alarms are generated by incident detection cameras used to detect road traffic incidents on highways and motorways. AI-FARM software automatically rejects false incident reports after appropriate training of true and false alarms is undertaken.

SenSen recently completed successful Proof of Concept trials (POCs) of AI-FARM for a number of international customers, while Brisbane City Council is the company’s first domestic customer.

SenSen CEO, Subhash Challa said that having successfully completed a POC in Singapore, the AI-FARM solution will be implemented in that market to reduce false alarms from highway incident detection cameras used to monitor and alert on traffic incidents from January 2020.

We are very pleased to help our customers lead by delivering AI-powered functions that yield productivity gains and efficiencies so they can provide new or better services at lower cost.

“Increasingly for organisations, the ever-growing efficiency and accuracy of AI makes overwhelming business sense.

“False alarms from incident detection camera systems are a major concern and cost issue for all road authorities around the world. SenSenwill increase marketing of the new AI- FARM product line to road authorities and city councils globally to accelerate adoption of this technology by forward-thinking customers.”