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Signed, sealed, delivered by Covata - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Luke Sizer | Nov 15, 2016 3:45:42 AM

Covata shares securely.

As more than 80% of corporate data is expected to reside outside of their trusted website by 2020, Covata is one technology company that knows the value of protecting this resource.

Covata is dedicated to ensuring true ownership and control over a client’s own personal data, over the cloud and on mobile devices.

According to Covata CEO, Trent Telford, the software company offers end-to-end encryption and data-centric security solutions, without compromising usability.

“Your data is always protected with Covata wherever it may travel – inside your network, beyond the domain, to mobile users and to the cloud – with granular access controls that extend to external users, view-only restrictions, real-time revocation and complete visibility and audibility,” Telford said.

Safe Share is Covata’s flagship platform, which lets users choose who can view, share or manage each document, with document owners able to approve or revoke access and use fingerprinting to maintain control.

“Your employees need a secure way to store and share files from anywhere, any device and any network,” Telford said. “Safe Share is sophisticated on the back end, yet easy to use; a perfect balance of design and functionality.”

By implementing identity, policy and management, your files have end-to-end encryption, so they stay locked tight through its entire journey, no matter how many hops or networks they go through.

Covata Safe Share, which is currently used in more than 15 Australian Government Departments and agencies, is laying the foundation for success within the UK Government, having established a UK Government business development and sales team in their London office to focus on securing government work in 2016.

Recent research undertaken by the Company found that 51% of the British public feel it would be easier to use government services if departments were better at sharing information, however 57% of survey respondents felt that they did not trust these departments to share data securely.

Their greatest concern – shared by many people all around the world – was around the risk of this data being leaked or hacked.

“In the wake of Brexit and regional uncertainty, the need for data security is at an all-time high. Covata is now positioned with the potential to collect substantially increased revenue from the sale of our premium product to such a large market.”

On 1 August, Covata achieved a significant milestone within the UK Government G Cloud platform. Covata was awarded Tier 2 Secret Classification, for a specialised Safe Share platform, becoming the first and only file sharing application with this approved status across the UK Government.

This was the culmination of months of hard work and was Covata breaking in to a market, which reaches a potential 5.35 million employees in the government and public sector.

“This achievement provides major validation for our decision to focus strengthening our product positon and pipeline in the government sector. This award, coupled with commercial success, will change how external parties view the potential strategic value of this division in our company,” Telford said.

In addition to the growth from Safe Share, Covata has expanded its global footprint. Covata opened a San Francisco office and built out the team, appointing an ex-Cisco executive to management to help penetrate Fortune 100 technology companies with the development and deployment of its highly anticipated Internet of Things and Cloud Data Security Product, Delta.

Delta, set for an alpha release later in the year, is a lightweight and scalable data centric security solution that allows developers and innovators to embed security within their products, apps and services.

With the number of devices connecting to the internet skyrocketing, there has never been a more critical time to ensure security is built in from the beginning of the product lifecycle. The threat of cyber terrorism attacks on critical connected infrastructure, such as rail networks or on connected medical devices used to administer life-saving medicines, are very real. Covata Delta is the security solution to ensure trusted communication between connected devices and the cloud.

For all the aggressive sales and operational developments, Covata is a big believer in reinvesting in its intellectual property, dedicated to continual improvement and potential commercialisation of new data security technology.

This year alone, Covata extended its intellectual property portfolio, lodging two new patents; one relating to ‘location based access for key retrieval’, the other for ‘encryption key fragmentation’.