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SolarWinds finds Australian tech pros aren’t fully confident they have all skills needed to manage future environments - TechInvest Magazine Online

Written by Tech Invest | Apr 2, 2019 10:47:26 AM

SolarWinds has released the findings of its latest IT Trends Report 2019: Skills for Tech Pros of Tomorrow, finding that a staggering 84 percent of Australian tech pros are not “completely confident” in having all the necessary skills to successfully manage their IT environments over the next three to five years. This sentiment is felt even though 97 percent have worked to develop a skill over the past 12 months.

While hybrid IT, systems and infrastructure and coding and scripting skills development have been prioritised in the past 12 months, when it comes to the next three to five years, hybrid IT and security will be a core focus for tech professionals.

Emerging tech is viewed as a pain point by tech professionals, and the top three technologies tech pros feel unequipped to manage with their current skillsets are artificial intelligence, quantum computing and machine and/or deep learning.

While tech professionals have an appetite to prioritise career development on a weekly basis, they are hindered by factors like time and cost, with more than seven in 10 tech pros (74 percent) saying their day-to-day IT tasks extend into time earmarked for career development.

Recent history has proven that there is a direct correlation between technology and business performance,” said Joe Kim, executive vice president and global chief technology officer, SolarWinds.

“The results of this year’s IT Trends Report highlight that businesses need to focus even more on developing these professionals charged with running and pioneering technologies for the businesses. By removing day-to-day barriers, arming technology pros with the right technology and management tools, and prioritising skills and career development in the IT budget, tech pros can be better equipped for the future and help with business growth.”

“The findings are also in line with our view that the most critical problem we need to help tech pros solve today is the reality of the hybrid IT landscape—this applies to all tech pros whether on-premises, managing hybrid infrastructures, SaaS-based, or MSPs,” added Kim. “The way SolarWinds has always addressed and will continue to address these realities is through our deep connection to tech pros across the IT infrastructure. We are committed to understanding the needs of our customers and making their jobs easier as business technology continues to evolve.”