Southern Cross Electrical Engineering Limited’s (ASX: SXE) Heyday, SCEE Electrical and Trivantage businesses have received a range of awards across various sectors in New South Wales, Western Australia and New Zealand totalling over $50m as follows:

- Multiplex Constructions has awarded Heyday the electrical design and construct works package associated with Separable Portion 13 – Hyperscale 2 Tranche 2 at the NEXTDC SYD03 Artamon NSW Data Centre where Heyday is already working. This is the third significant project award to Heyday at this data centre. The works have commenced and are scheduled to complete in October 2024.
- Richard Crookes Constructions has awarded Heyday the electrical services design and construct contract for the City Tattersall’s Club redevelopment project located on Pitt Street in Sydney. The City Tattersall’s Club is an iconic part of the Sydney CBD and will undergo a major renovation and redevelopment of its 126-year-old historic building to provide five hospitality and wellbeing levels of club space for members and guests. The project further incorporates a new 51-level tower, comprising 241 apartments and a 110-room hotel. The project has already commenced construction and is due for completion in the first quarter of 2027.
- SCEE Electrical has been awarded by BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd a Switchboard Replacement Project in the Pilbara, Western Australia with a date for completion in January 2026. The works consist of replacement and upgrading of substations, switchboards, equipment, and cabling.
- Trivantage Manufacturing has been engaged by Siemens (N.Z.) Limited to supply power distribution equipment to be installed as part of the second expansion phase at the DCI Data Centre in Auckland, New Zealand. The package includes the supply of a range of high voltage outdoor enclosures and kiosk substations, free standing prefabricated switch rooms, and a range of low voltage switchboards. The packages will be supplied throughout FY24.
- Trivantage Manufacturing has received an order from Teck Global Pty Ltd to supply them with a range of low voltage switchboards which will form part of the Battery Energy Storage project located in Kwinana, Western Australia. This will be the first transmission connected battery energy storage system in the South West Interconnected System and is designed to manage stability in the grid and ensure reliable and effective power supply to the wider region.
Again these awards demonstrate the geographic diversity and sectoral range SCEE has across the Australian economy,” Managing Director Graeme Dunn said.
“Data Centres are a strong area for us and this announcement shows the multiple touch points that our businesses have in that segment with project wins for both Heyday and Trivantage.”
New chairman
Karl Paganin, who has been an independent non-executive director of SCEE since 2015, will accede to the role of chairman immediately thereafter. He will also continue to serve as the Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.